Monday, August 23, 2021

On vacation until September

Sorry everyone, but I am in Spain at the beach on vacation. 

Looking forward to new acquisitions and posts when I get back.


Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Austrian I, III & VI Korps organization

As a follow up, here is the Austrian units organization and formations in visual form;

Organization of battalions, brigades & divisions

 Hello and sorry for the lag in posts.

Been working on organizing the formations (at the battalion, brigade & division level).  Given the reality of figure availability I Ike most everyone that does this) have had to use the available figure poses to form my battalions.  This results in battalions having more of an “advancing” or “firing” inclination.

Putting these together into regiments, brigades & divisions requires consideration of the larger formations overall disposition.  As such I’ve taken this into consideration to compose reasonable larger formations and charted the results to do so and share with you now.


Happy New Year everyone!

Hope y’all had a great holiday season and look forward to a great year ahead. I will be posting more now as we’ve entered the depressing dar...