Sunday, September 15, 2024

The emperor’s cousins: Tirailleurs Corses

 The promised pics on my second new unit; Tirailleurs Corses (AIP Napoleonic French in Brown).

As mentioned her there is some uncertainty as to the units uniform color, but I have gone with the more unusual brown because they are more distinctive in a sea of French blue, and they were available (a key virtue these days!)

While this unit was historically part of II Corps (and thus outside scope of my “French left” scenario), the availability of the new AIP sets (and dearth of other available troop options these days) lead me to decide to create this unit and make it part of the Lobau defense garrison under Reynier, which will be an optional part of (some of) my scenarios (particularly those involving Austrians getting close to the French bridges).

My Reynier OOB includes historic units;

 Saxon grenadier battalions Hake & Winkelmann (CTA Brit 1776 gren)

 Neufchatel Battalion (AIP French mustard)

 French 21st light Regiment, 4th bat (Hat Voltigeurs)

But also replaces some historic units with;

 Tirailleurs Corse (replaces 103rd light regiment, 4th bat)

 18th line Regiment, 4th bat (AIP French dark blue; replace Baden 3rd regiment moved to IV Corps)

Makes for a more colorful command but more importantly, one I have now completely acquired and bagged into inventory.


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Possible Hat Austrian German grenadier and Landwehr sets

 Hat is considering production of these sets from upsizing figures from existing masters used to product 1/72 sets.

Personally I am always thrilled by any progress toward more Austrian 1/32 troops!

While I had always expected these troops to be made available through swapable heads by Hat, we saw that dream die due to complications with the Austrian German Fusilier sets now in production (but not yet delivered).  

The possible new sets would be one set of Grenadiers and one set of Landwehr, each set with 6 poses including 4 action and 2 marching poses in the set (not separate Marching & Actions sets like the fusiliers).  With the Existing separate Austrian German command set including swappable heads with bearskins that is all is really needed for these (although I would love a swapable officer’s bicorn for the Landwehr), and a bugler use when converting the Landwehr to Jagers).


Happy New Year everyone!

Hope y’all had a great holiday season and look forward to a great year ahead. I will be posting more now as we’ve entered the depressing dar...