Sunday, January 24, 2021

French IV Corps Massena OOB

The historic, as well as my current and goal OOB of this Corps’ infantry.

There are some difference with the historic OOB, mostly for personal taste, but despite these I’ve tried to keep the overall strength, and that of the divisions, in line with what fought with the Corps on the Marchfeld.  The Baden contingent includes those units that historically were pulled from the Corps to serve guarding Lobau island.  The French units in Lagrand’s Division have been reduced to offset this and maintain parity with the historic OOB.

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So I did order additional Hat Carabiniers in the new true French blue! Lol

 Decided to buy another 5 sets of the Hat Carabiniers in the latest dark blue of the recent restock to (re)make my 2 guard Chasseur bats.   ...