Friday, March 19, 2021

French Cav reserve available on their left

 In my Scenario this is the French Heavy Cav reserves available to them on their left, other than Guard cav., which I will cover in a separate post.  


Arranged by regiment, the Carabiners are on the left rear (1st in the back, with the 2nd in the front), cuirassiers in the rear right (2nd brigade behind 3rdbrigade), and the dragoons are in the foreground (30th on the left, 7th behind the Queen’s on the right).


Why does this differ from the historic French OOB on the left (by replacing the 2nd heavy cav division with the Dragoon division)?

  1. 1/32 French cuirassiers are not readily available at a reasonable cost in the US.  No US retailers sell the CTA cuirassiers, and the Paragon Cuirassiers are both prohibitively expensive and oversized in scale.
  2. My scenario includes the arrival of the Austrian Army of Inner-Austria  on the French Right, which requires the French to send more of their forces to that side of the battlefield to counter it.  I have partially offset this by having Grouchy’s dragoon division return with Napoleon to the center-left of the French position as part of their cav reserve so that napoleon retains a powerful Cav reserve in my scenario’s area of operations.

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My Marshfeld

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