Wanted to check in and say I have been preoccupied with work, and the real world, but that my efforts continue, albeit not at the pace I would hope for.
I have recently made a few purchases, but at the moment I am stymied by the lack of availability of necessary figures. In particular; the delay of Hat’s release of their 1/32 Austrian German fusiliers MAC sets, as well as their 1/32 French Chasseur sets being currently sold out at all US retailers.
I have added some Timpo French chasseur cav & hussars, as well as a call to arms French Cuirassiers & Austrian Dragoons (Lifeguards) to fill out Cav units, but I really need Austrian fusiliers and Grenadiers to fill out my army.
As a stop-gap measure I have purchased (at stupid prices) several sets of Italeri Austrian fusiliers & Grenadiers sets such that I now have about 175 of each type. But these figures (in 4 poses each of fusiliers & Grenadiers) don’t make for the most cohesive battalions.
Anyway... enough b-tching, sorry for the lack of content, and hope to be showing you pics of the remaining units I have with me upstate before I have to pack everything back up and cart it back downstate for the long haul.