Thursday, May 27, 2021

Some Austrian Grenzer and Moravian Landwehr

Here are some Moravian Landwehr & Grenzer units, mostly from V Korps.

Rear left is 1st Hradisher LW from I Korps

To the right of this unit is;

4th Brunner LW (front) & 3rd Prerau LW (rear) both from V Korps

On the far right of the table is 1st battalion Grenzer #8 Gradiska from V Korps

With the 2nd Battalion of Grenzer #8 on the separate table (also V Korps)

Sorry they are not staged better, but I’ve run out of table space.


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The effort continues, albeit slowed by work & life priorities


Wanted to check in and say I have been preoccupied with work, and the real world, but that my efforts continue, albeit not at the pace I would hope for.

I have recently made a few purchases, but at the moment I am stymied by the lack of availability of necessary figures.  In particular; the delay of Hat’s release of their 1/32 Austrian German fusiliers MAC sets, as well as their 1/32 French Chasseur sets being currently sold out at all US retailers.

I have added some Timpo French chasseur cav & hussars, as well as a call to arms French Cuirassiers & Austrian Dragoons (Lifeguards) to fill out Cav units, but I really need Austrian fusiliers and Grenadiers to fill out my army.  

As a stop-gap measure I have purchased (at stupid prices) several sets of Italeri Austrian fusiliers & Grenadiers sets such that I now have about 175 of each type.  But these figures (in 4 poses each of fusiliers & Grenadiers) don’t make for the most cohesive battalions.

Anyway... enough b-tching, sorry for the lack of content, and hope to be showing you pics of the remaining units I have with me upstate before I have to pack everything back up and cart it back downstate for the long haul.


Wednesday, May 5, 2021

End Game: What’s the point?

Hello everyone, sorry for the lag in posts but work has been kicking my a$$.

Wanted to address another obvious question about this effort, that is; How/where do I plan to ever war game with such numbers of 1/32 figures???

The answer is actually one of the things that started me down this path.  Next to the building I normally (pre-Covid) worked in is a small “park” laid out such that in my many morning and evening passings came to resemble the Marchfeld, with the Russbach heights plateau at the far right side (2nd pic below), and the Bisamberg rising up on the far far left in the distance, with the wide flat valley between (1st pic below).

Unfortunately I am back upstate, so far away from the location, and these pictures aren’t the best to convey the space, but they are all I have with me right now to share.

So; my 1/32 Wagram battle is to be played outside on this grand scale location!

The next step for me is to develop unit formation “trays”,which I will build with handles extended upward to facilitate walking around the battlefield to maneuver them during the battle. 



Happy New Year everyone!

Hope y’all had a great holiday season and look forward to a great year ahead. I will be posting more now as we’ve entered the depressing dar...