As I continue to reassess my existing units I have to deal with the reality than some key sets are (and potentially may continue to be) unavailable as either out of stock or production.
Key sets among these;
1. Hat French Chasseur infantry (my preferred choice for French line. Lack of these Hat sets has pushed my to do more units in AIP French, which have fewer & less ideal poses)
2. Hat Bavarian action (while I’ve filled out my Bavarian units, the poses used are only OK, not optimal)
3. Hat French Longcoat infantry (used for 2 bags of my Army of Italy)
I continue to look for new options and hope for a return to production of these popular sets.
Also; spent 3 hours stripping off Bavarian backpacks that had previously been (poorly) glued with Loctite, trimming attachment point and regluing with hot glue gun. Have to say (other than needed to trim the figure’s backpack attachment point to provide space for hot glue inside) I much prefer the hot glue gun; it always sticks, no need to apply constant pressure to set and glue stays connected much better/longer.