Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Check out these amazing new miniatures!

You should check out Piano Wargaming at who has designed some incredible new figures available in metal and 3D print files through heir Kickstarter efforts.

These include (of particular interest to me) Austrian German fusiliers in helmets and shakos!  As well as Austrian chevaulegers, Artillery & crews, Jagers and Landwehr.  Additionally they produce Wurttemberg and Hesse-Darmstadt infantry, and Bavarian infantry, cav & artillery.

While the figures are not done in my 1/32 (54mmm) scale, I want to find out if they can be 3D printed in that scale.

The sculpting is excellent and I would love to have these in 1/32 plastic!


Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Artillery check

 Happy New Year everyone!

Just a short post to show my current artillery inventory. 

Each gun = 1 battery

First pic is French artillery, second is Austrian (grey guns are horse artillery).

Most of the guns are from Armies in Plastic, with the cream colored guns from Italeri, the brown & grey from Americana, and the 2 small Austrian guns in the front right (to be 3-lbs light batteries) actually being pencil sharpeners.

Cheers all!

Happy New Year everyone!

Hope y’all had a great holiday season and look forward to a great year ahead. I will be posting more now as we’ve entered the depressing dar...