Monday, October 7, 2024

First box of Hat Austrian German Fusiliers has arrived!

 Because of gross incompetence by UPS I have only received 1 of the 3 boxes of these shipped to me (now 12 days after they were shipped).   Won’t tell you how frustrating and anger inducing it has been trying to track down these boxes via UPS “customer service”.  ANYWAY…

So far I have only started clearing figures from the spru; a daunting task to consider with an order of 174 sets (so 528 total spru of 6 figures each).  I’m doing this in waves; the first 15 spru have had all the smaller parts & extraneous mold pieces cleared off, but I’ve only completely freed 1 spru of figures (and not glued on any backpacks or reload figure arms yet).

But here are my first impressions;

The figures themselves are very good;

Detail is perfect for me, not overly done, but clear and well executed (particularly the helmets)

Scale appears good, perhaps a shade on the small side, but certainly well within acceptable and compatible with Hat and other producer’s 1/32 Napoleonic scales (i.e. not as small as Call to Arms French Infantry, nor as large as Timpo’s Imperial Guard).

The plastic used is a good balance of flexible and firm.

One thing that isn’t my favorite is the mold itself and how the figures are attached to it.  There are many mold pieces to cut from the figures, including several attached to the muskets, which require a lot of time and effort to remove.  And the base of the figures attachment to the mold is very thick and requires a lot of force to cut through.  

Will update more as I progress in the great spru removal!


1 comment:

Impressions 1.5

 Good news;  second big box from Hat showed up today; leaving only 1 small box still not delivered by UPS. Further impressions on the figure...