Thursday, April 15, 2021

Some inspiration (while work has kept me from my hobby)

Sorry for the lack of posts but the real world, particularly work, has kept me away from this hobby.

While I have nothing of my own to share today, I thought I would share a video from YouTube I discovered a couple years ago of someone else’s rather impressive (mostly unpainted) collection of 1/32 Napoleonic figures.  And it is impressive!  Based on the composition of the figures I bet he worked for many years to accumulate such a collection.

Hope you all enjoy this as much as I did;

Congrats to the collection’s owner.


Friday, April 9, 2021

French cav reserve on their left vs Austrian cav reserve on their right

 Pics to compare and contrast the opposite cav reserves (excluding the French guard cav which will be covered separately).

French (dragoon division in front of 1st heavy cav division);

Austrian 2nd reserve division in front of 1st heavy Cav reserve division;

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Austrian 1st & 2nd reserve cav divisions

A mix of true heavy cav, supplemented by necessity with a division of 1regiment each of Dragoons, chevauxlegers and (horrors) Insurrection Hussars.  How low the once mighty Austria Cav had been brought by their misadventures earlier that year on the Danube and in Poland!  Lol

These 2 divisions (plus Nostitz division of 2 regiments of dragoons, and 1 each of Chevaulegers & line Hussars, which was sent to the Austrian left to protect that flank) made up the Haptarmee’s cav reserve under Liechtenstein.  

My & the historic OOB for the 2 divisions on the Austrian right pictured below;

It would be great if someone produced true 1/32 Napoleonic Hussars (given that every army of the wars fielded them). Currently the only available Hussars are; 

Paragon- Oversized and overpriced

Timpo- out of production & single pose and color

Dulcop- out of production, hard to find, expensive & delicate

Italeri- out of production, hard to find & expensive

But I digress...

In the pictures the 2nd divisions is in-front of the 1st.

This made up the reserves available to the Austrians on their right (French left) during the battle (as the other Austrian reserve cav division was sent off to the Austrian left to bolster it against the strong French cav presence there).

The pics adds the 2nd division to the 1st I posted pics of earlier (albeit here squished in to accommodate the 2nd division in the limited space available).

Monday, April 5, 2021

Stan’s Armee blog; pre-production Hat 1/32 Austrian German fusiliers

First a plug for a nice blog by a fellow 1/32 Napoleonic enthusiast; Stan’s Armee 

Here is a link to his recent great post with excellent pics & video on a pre-production set of Hat’s 1/32 Austrian German command set;

The set looks fantastic in Stan’s thoughtful and thorough examination of them.  Thanks to Stan & Hat!

As I’ve said before; the development of these Hat sets is what made me decide to try to do part of Wagram in 1/32 in the first place.  Frankly there can be no 1/32 Wagram without them.  So I am ecstatic that they appear to be so well done.  

The snap on hats add incredible easy flexibility to make command figures for Austrian German fusiliers in either helmet or shako, as well as Grenadiers.  Further, it facilitates easy conversion to grenzer, volunteer, Jager and Landwehr command by use of green stuff to make the relevant hats. I will be buying many of these sets.

As I’m sure many already know, Hat will be making the Austrian German fusiliers in 3 sets in M A C format, that is; 1 set of Action poses, 1 set of Marching poses, and the Command set.  I love this flexibility to build my units and can’t wait to purchase many many many of these to compete my dream.


Sunday, April 4, 2021

Saturday, April 3, 2021

3 (of 4) Divisions of IV Corps

 In the end I couldn’t fit all of IV Corps on the table unfortunately.  But here is Legrand, Saint-Cyr & Boudet’s Divisions;

Friday, April 2, 2021

Legrand Division of IV Corps

 Still working on regluing backpacks, but here is one division of IV Corps set up in formation.

Happy New Year everyone!

Hope y’all had a great holiday season and look forward to a great year ahead. I will be posting more now as we’ve entered the depressing dar...