Thursday, April 28, 2022

Finished helmeted Austrian German Fusilier command figures

 So I believe I now have all my Austrian German Fusilier command sets in helmets assembled. Enough for each battalion of such units in the I, III, VI & relevant part of V Korps; a total of 49 battalions.  This reflects that I have consolidated battalions of some historical very under strength regiments (for instance IR#23 Wurzburg historically had 872 men in 2 very under strength battalions, but I have them in 1 almost full strength battalion).

Each battalion gets 1 or 2 drummers (Depending on size of unit), and 1 each of officer, NCO & flag.


  1. I was astounded that Hat deleted your post about this. I cannot see what was wrong with it.
    Regards, James


The emperor’s cousins: Tirailleurs Corses

 The promised pics on my second new unit;  Tirailleurs Corses (AIP Napoleonic French in Brown). As mentioned her there is some uncertainty a...